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    SKU: 2007



    This CHARITYPEACE article of the Support Edition `OFFICEPEACE` fits perfectly into your office, and in this way, you support also the project:



    These BATTLEPEACE PEACETOWER of the edition `OFFICEPEACE` consist of

    6 stacked Chari.peas cans of the type`Classic`.

    The Chari.peas cans are covered in a box made of acrylic glass (base and lid). Printings on the top, and lid is removable.


      Towerstyle: P1 (Picture 2)

      Tower dimensions: 70 mm x 350 mm

      Weight/content (Chari.peas cans): 6 x 200g

      Product: Food & Art

      Can content: Peas

      Each PEACETOWER is numbered! (Without priority. According to the order of the order)




      About BATTLEPEACE:

      There are currently around 15.400 NUCLEARBOMBS worldwide. About 4000 of them are active and ready for action, ready to fire at any time.

      In our opinion the 15.400 NUCLEARBOMBS are too many.

      But is it being disarmed? Well ...


      So is it the NUCLEARBOMB that create peace through deterrence?

      We say no, because the NUCLEARBOMB was, is and will remain a Weapon.

      One of the most terrifying Weapon mankind has ever built. A Weapon that destroys!


      In the BATTLEPEACE project, instead of NUCLEARBOMBS, we simply build PEACETOWER, as a sign that the NUCLEARBOMBS has no right to stand alone, and that there are always other options.


      The aim of the project is to set up more PEACETOWER than there are NUCLEARBOMBS around the world.

      In summary: BATTLEPEACE is a Battle!



      `15.400 PEACETOWER vs. 15.400 NUCLEARBOMBS `


      Support this project and become part of the battle.

      You too can set up a PEACETOWER. In your home or in your office.

      Set up a statement. We can only win the battle together!


      Because our world needs more CharityPeace!

      "I`m a pea, a Chari.pea!"


    60,00 €Price

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